During pregnancy as your bump gets bigger your tummy will naturally stick out leading to your bum also sticking out. This automatically leads to a change in posture. Therefore it is no surprise that lower back pain during pregnancy is common. Over the course of nine months, your body will go through a very quick posture change. This leads to shortening and lengthening of different muscles that have previously not been used as regularly.
This is the reason that exercise (even without pain) is very important during pregnancy. Exercises such as sticking your tummy and bum in are essential, and this also helps working out what I like to call your core muscles.
Wearing high heels only exacerbates this change in posture, so wearing flat shoes throughout the pregnancy is preferable. You could also wear a support belt. This helps support your back into a more desirable posture, although this still needs to be coupled with appropriate exercises.
Taking a rest and getting off your feet regularly is also helpful, as well as sleeping on your side, with pillows for support. Many find that sleeping on your back will increase the pain, due to the larger curve in your back from your change in posture, as well as it being better for the baby as well.
Instead of bending down to pick an item off the floor, squatting down with one leg is much more desirable. This is a preventive treatment, to avoid lower back pain.
A physiotherapist will also ensure that your spine and joints are aligned properly; this can be quickly fixed sometimes, relieving the pain of your lower back straight away.
If you are suffering from lower back pain and would like to book an appointment, please contact me on 0544485086 or by email to tamaramay.physio@gmail.com. I can arrange to see you in Bishvilaych Women’s Comprehensive Medical Centre in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem or a home visit if you live in Gush Etzion.
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